Han Dae-sung, a middle schooler, unexpectedly falls into hell and faces a desolate, game-like world filled with ferocious beasts. Determined to survive and return to Earth, he endures 80 years of brutal challenges, gaining strength and mastery over the hellish system. Eventually, he defeats the demon lord and ascends to a position of absolute power. Choosing to leave the barren wasteland, he returns to Earth, discovering that only 10 years have passed and that he had been in a vegetative state.
During rehabilitation, the familiar system from hell reappears, pushing him to regain his peak condition. He learns that Earth has suffered a “great upheaval,” with extraterrestrial monsters wreaking havoc. Despite his vow to avoid conflict, Dae-sung resolves to protect his family and becomes a Hunter, a specialist in monster extermination. Using his powers from hell and the recreated “Pantheon” realm, Dae-sung fights to safeguard Earth, showing his enemies the true horrors of hell as its absolute ruler.